Cadhay Newsletter – June 2012

Woodchip Heating 
Cadhay has now converted its heating system from oil to a district woodchip system. The boiler room is situated in the farmyard and hot water is delivered to the main house and holiday cottages through an insulated underground pipe. Heat exchangers extract the heat for use in the various houses which are now controlled by a sophisticated system which compensates for the outside temperature making it a great deal more efficient.

At the moment we are having to buy woodchip but ultimately we hope to produce our own chip using timber from our woods. It has been very difficult to manage small blocks of woodland in a cost effective manner over the last few decades and we hope that this will make good use of the woodlands and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Granary Wedding Room
The Granary wedding room was used for the first time in May and it was lovely to see all the guests convening in the Water Garden before the wedding. After the wedding everyone moved across to the Tearoom for an afternoon tea prior to the main marquee reception in the evening.

Cadhay is now able to host wedding ceremonies for up to 120 people inside but we expect that a number of couples will choose to hold their weddings outside with the Granary as a back up if the weather is unkind.

Cider Press
The converted barn in the orchard beyond the kitchen garden is now up and running and the bookings and feedback from visitors have been very encouraging. Many have been attracted by the possibility of being able to stay in a stand alone cottage with a magnificent view and specifically designed for two people.

Church Fête
The Church fête will take place in the Cadhay gardens on the Saturday of the Jubilee weekend. Amongst the entertainments there will be a a jousting contest. Amongst the entertainments there will be a a jousting contest as can be seen from this preliminary skirmish.