A new Aga at Cadhay

Cadhay has continued to prosper and it has been very good to see so many people returning as well as many new faces. We had six weddings each successive weekend in the Spring and a more relaxed Autumn as the House booked up very early with guests taking a holiday and being rewarded with a wonderful Indian Summer. The gardens … Read More

Cadhay Newsletter – November 2014

Cadhay has again been busy with a record level of bookings and twelve wedding celebrations. It has been very reassuring to see so many people returning.

Cadhay Newsletter – June 2012

Cadhay has now converted its heating system from oil to a district woodchip system. The boiler room is situated in the farmyard and hot water is delivered to the main house and holiday cottages through an insulated underground pipe. Heat exchangers extract the heat for use in the various houses which are now controlled by a sophisticated system which compensates for the outside temperature making it a great deal more efficient.

Cadhay Newsletter – March 2012

Th e uncertainty around the time of the election last year had an impact on bookings for the main house in the early part of the year. Happily since then they have picked up and the bookings for 2012 already look very encouraging.

Cadhay Newsletter – June 2011

Cadhay is pleased to announce that all the holiday accommodation has now been assessed by Visit Britain and we have been confidently placed towards the higher aspect of the four star rating.

Cadhay Newsletter – Spring 2011

Thankfully Cadhay has continued to weather the slowdown in the economy over the last year. The visitor numbers were well up on the previous year, occupation of the house remains high and there were a record number of wedding parties.