Our Friends

Our Friends

Below is a list of local businesses that we are happy to recommend, many of them have provided excellent services or been enjoyed/visited by guests staying at Cadhay over a number of years. Please contact them directly via their websites below.

Titley Green - titleygreen.co.uk
Lyme Bay Field Kitchen - lymebayfieldkitchen.co.uk
Milkshed Catering - milkshedcatering.com
Mulberry Catering - mulberrycatering.co.uk
Pickle Shack - pickleshack.co.uk
Connie Hawker www.conniehawkercom
Ginny Lyons - glyonscat@gmail.com
Fed and Pickled - https://www.fedandpickled.co.uk/
Charles Norris - charles_norris_8@hotmail.com

Marquee suppliers
Maldon Marquees - marldonmarquees.co.uk
World Inspired Tents - worldinspiredtents.co.uk
The Devon Marquee Company - devonmarquee.co.uk
Bohemia Canvas South West - lpmbohemia.com

Furniture hire
Virginias Vintage Hire - virginiasvintagehire.co.uk
Fanfare Events - https://fanfareeventhire.co.uk/
South West Event Hire - https://www.southwesteventhire.co.uk/
Total Event Hire - https://www.totaleventhire.co.uk/

Pubs and restaurants
The Jack in the Green - jackinthegreen.uk.com
Golden Lion Inn - goldenliontipton.co.uk
The Greyhound - https://www.greyhoundcountryinn.co.uk/

Photographers and photography credits
Huge thanks to the photographers below for allowing us to use their beautiful shots on our website:
Barny Walters https://barneywalters.com/
Brett Symes - https://www.brettsymesphotography-boutique.co.uk/
Carmen and Warren hello@warrenandcarmen.com
David Fisher of http://www.fisherstudios.co.uk/
Fiona Walsh Photography - https://fionawalsh.co.uk/
Helen Lisk Photography- https://helenliskphotography.co.uk
Jon Dennis https://www.s6photography.co.uk/blog/tag/jon-dennis-wedding/
Lucy https://lastingimpressionsbylucy.co.uk/
Matt Wilson - Passion 4 Photos - passion4photos.co.uk
Mark Evolve Photography - https://evolvephoto.co.uk/
Seb Laan Lomas – amazing drone photos by one of our Cadhay Grooms
Beaumont & Beare - https://www.beaumontandbear.co.uk/
Jo Cunningham https://jocunninghamphotography.co.uk

Alternative accommodation
Mazzard Farm – mazzardfarm.com
Larkbeare Grange – larkbeare.net

Food & Wine suppliers
Chirstopher Piper Wines - christopherpiperwines.co.uk
Rabbit & Co - https://rabbitandco.uk/